There are some things that you can't learn in high school. Someone
has to tell you these stuff and help you realise the truth. I decided to
help with a few things that I've learned from a lecture by Bill Gates.
You can choose if you want to believe them or not, but trust me – I know
what I'm saying! So here we go... Welcome to the real life!
1.Love is not fair! Get used to this. Your friend may be not as good
as you, for example. Maybe he will be the worst student ever, but if he
has the right contacts, he will probably get a better job.
2.You won't start making 2000 or 3000 pounds a month. The most people
start as an oven cleaning Corby cleaner or like a cashier in McDonalds.
You won't be an assistant director with Mercedes right after high
school. You won't have a car with a phone until you have them both
separately. Then, you will be in the right direction!
3.The world doesn't care about your confidence. You will have to do many things without even feel good about them.
4.You think your teacher is strict? Well, just wait to see your boss! You will want to be in high school again, but then it's going to be too late for that.
5.If something goes wrong, don't blame your parents. You have to
learn from them and listen to their advice, because very often they know
what they are talking about, they've been there.
6.In school there aren't any winners or losers. In real life, this is
the opposite. In school, you may be in a class where the teachers will
make some exceptions, they will wait for you to do your project. In real
life, nobody would give you an opportunity like this. You will compete
with your colleagues, you will chase deadlines, you will either win or
7.Making burgers or working as an oven cleaning Corby expert is not
beneath your dignity. Your grandparents would call this an
opportunity... an opportunity to start!
8.Life doesn't have any terms. You don't have summer or winter
holidays. There are just a few employers who will help you develop. Do
that in your spare time!
9.TV is not the real life. People don't stay in the coffee shop talking all day, they work.
10.Be kind to the people you usually call “nerds”. You may work for them in a few years!
In the end, Bill said that if you can understand any of these, you
should start changing your life from today. What I will say is: if you
can read my words, thank to your teacher!
Source : By Megan Peterson